Welcome to Cornerstone Bible Church!

We believe in the sufficiency and authority of scripture for all things pertaining to life and godliness.

Upcoming Conference

Please make plans to join us for the upcoming Walking Worthy Conference on October 26 & 27, featuring messages on Charles Spurgeon, William Tyndale, Martin Luther, Thomas Cranmer, and the Covenanters.

Expository Preaching

Pastor Daron Roberts is currently teaching through the Gospel of John. John’s Gospel was “written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing you may have life in His name (20:31).” Join us as Pastor Daron teaches verse by verse through the inspired text of the Gospel of John!


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Our Ministry

Who We Are

We are a vibrant community of believers driven by a passion for the glory of God, existing to “equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ”

– Ephesians 4:12

Expository Preaching

Biblical preaching unleashes God’s power because it proclaims His message accurately.

Expository preaching is the authoritative proclamation of God’s Word in which the preacher clearly sets forth the divinely intended meaning of the biblical text and brings the contemporary implications of its timeless truth to bear on the lives of the people. The commitment to this kind of proclamation flows out of the conviction that Scripture is the Word of God. Because the Bible is God’s Word, it possesses a trustworthiness, an authority, and a transforming power that no other source possesses. Therefore, to the degree that we faithfully preach the divinely intending meaning of the biblical text, our preaching carries that same trustworthiness, authority, and transforming power. But conversely, to the degree that we depart from the divinely intended meaning of a given passage, our message has forfeited its trustworthiness, authority, and transforming power, and we make ourselves not worth listening to.

Christlike Growth

It is God’s will for His people to grow in conformity to the likeness of His Son.

It is God’s will for his people to grow in conformity to the likeness of his Son. While it is true that the Christian life is challenging and often described as a battle, Jesus himself guarantees that his disciples will grow because they are connected to him and that they have every spiritual resources needed for obeying him from the heart. He also describes our life in him as new, abundant, fruitful, powerful and victorious. For the Christian, obedience to Christ is not burdensome, but a delight.

Biblical Shepherding

God designed the church to flourish under the servant-leadership of qualified men who lead, feed, care, and protect His flock.

God designed the church to flourish under the servant-leadership of qualified men who lead, feed, care, and protect his flock. Elders (a. k. a. pastors and overseers) serve the church by devoting themselves to the ministry of the word and prayer and caring for God’s people with joy and eagerness. A call to eldership is evidenced by godly character, competency in handling the Scripture, a personal desire for the work, and proven effectiveness in the spiritual gifts of teaching and leadership.

Vibrant Body Life

One of the greatest spiritual blessings to a Christian comes from participation in the lives of other believers.

One of the greatest spiritual blessings to a Christian comes from participation in the lives of other believers. In the church, members are served and serve as each one uses their unique spiritual gifting to build up the body. Vibrant body life includes the sharing of spiritual resources through proactive discipleship, faithful counseling, and sacrificial service. The result is growth into maturity by the power of the Spirit according to what each member supplies.

Location & Time

We are currently meeting on Sunday at West Memorial Junior High in Katy, Texas

Sunday Services

CBC Kids and Equipping Hour: 9:00 am

Main service: 10:30 am

Get In Touch

We’d love to hear from you! If you have any questions, feel free to send us a message and our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

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