(281) 742-9809                         info@cbckaty.org


Membership is about more than attending church meetings. Members commit to joining a spiritual family that provides encouragement and support. They are called to a higher degree of responsibility, service and sacrifice. Our elders and leaders pledge to assist our covenant members with care, counsel, prayer and teaching. We hope that, as the Lord leads, you make a covenant to be part of our church family.


Members at Cornerstone Bible Church are those who have:

  • Made a public profession of their faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior
  • Been scripturally baptized
  • Met with one of the elders for a membership interview
  • Made a commitment to abide by the membership covenant of Cornerstone Bible Church
  • Been received as members of the church by the elder body

We want you to make an informed decision about joining our church, so we provide a class covering what it means to be a member at Cornerstone Bible Church and our beliefs and distinctives.

In the book of Acts, churches were made up of believers committed to serving one another in the Lord. Our conviction is to follow this biblical model through membership. One of the greatest spiritual blessings to a Christian comes from participation in the lives of other believers. In the church, members are served and serve as each one uses their unique spiritual gifting to build up the body. Vibrant body life includes the sharing of spiritual resources through proactive discipleship, faithful counseling, and sacrificial service. The result is growth into maturity by the power of the Spirit according to what each member supplies. For those of you who want to learn more about the process or pursue membership, please email membership@cbckaty.org

Interested in Membership?

Please watch the series below from Pastor Daron on the Characteristics of a Bible Church

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