We live in an age rich with access to literature that can aide us in the understanding of our God and His Word. Sadly, not all books claiming to help us in this endeavor actually do. We have put together a list of book recommendations to help guide you in your pursuit of the true Author of all things.

Christian Living

by Robert L. Peterson & Alexander Strauch


Robert Cleaver Chapman (1803-1902) provides an extraordinary example of Christ-like, agape leadership. Although little known today, he was a widely respected Christian leader in England during the last century. Chapman became legendary in his own time for his gracious ways, his patience, his kindness, his balanced judgment, his ability to reconcile people in conflict, his absolute fidelity to Scripture, and his loving pastoral care.

by John Rinehart


Gospel Patrons are people who believe that a great life is not measured by what we gain, but by what we give our lives to accomplish.
This book tells three stories of Gospel Patrons whose generosity was a catalyst for great movements of God. Their examples invite us to:

  • Find our parts to play in God’s kingdom
  • Give our lives to what matters most
  • Live for a lasting legacy

by Lou Priolo


This booklet identifies the root of bitterness, equips readers to remove it from their hearts, and helps them to respond biblically to the future hurts, rejections, and trials of life.

by: John Owen


Duties of Christian Fellowship deals with a matter of perennial concern for every truly Christian church. In just a few pages it sets out in very concise terms the responsibilities all Christians have, first, to their pastors, and then second, to one another within the fellowship of the local church. John Owen was a pastor as well as a theologian and therefore this is a most practical manual of church fellowship.

by J.C. Ryle


Few books on the subject of Holiness have had the influence of this work by J. C. Ryle. It has proved life-changing for many who have read it and is rightly recommended reading for all Christians. Written in Ryle’s characteristic style, each chapter focuses on a key theme related to a believer’s sanctification, and the reader is not permitted to avoid the vital necessity of a real relationship with God as opposed to the cold formality of so many. 

by: Michael A. G. Haykin and Joel R. Beeke


God uses Christian friendships to help His children grow in grace and stay true to Christ. But our twenty-first-century Western culture values individualism, busyness, and selfishness—qualities that do not encourage deep, long-lasting, satisfying friendships. The authors guide us through a practical survey of biblical and historical friendships, drawing principles from them that will aid us in forming our own biblical friendships that will sharpen us for our Christian journey in a world that is no friend to grace.

by Alexander Strauch


Conflict in churches is a pervasive problem we know all too well. This book is the only book of its kind, examining all the biblical passages on conflict and outlining key scriptural principles for handling various kinds of conflicts among Christians whether personal disputes, issues of Christian liberty in lifestyles, congregational matters, or disagreements about important doctrines. The book emphasizes Spirit-controlled attitudes and behaviors through solid Bible exposition and true-to-life stories of Christians handling real-life conflicts in a Christ-honoring way.

by: Iain H. Murray


Although one of the most widely read evangelical authors of the nineteenth century, Ryle’s writings lost influence after his death. The world had moved on, as was supposed. Then, fifty years later a ‘rediscovery’ began. Research on his life was accomplished by able authors, and from a new wealth of material Iain Murray has put together a compelling biography. Ryle believed in definite doctrine, in a message which does not adjust to the times, in revival, and in the living Christ. He knew that all the great turning points of church history have been attended with controversy, and that ‘there are times when controversy is not only a duty but a benefit’.

by Alexander Strauch


This book provides leaders and teachers a clear understanding of what the Bible teaches about love. This understanding is essential to you as an individual leader and to the church as a whole. It will significantly improve your relational skills, enhance your effectiveness in ministry, diminish senseless conflict and division, build a healthier church, and promote evangelism. 

by: Smedly Yates


Waiting on God is a lost art in the Christian life. Everybody waits, but nobody likes to wait. Waiting feels like a waste of time, an unnecessary exercise in patience, or a foreboding sense that something bad is about to happen. More than we realize, we have grown accustomed to filling our desires instantaneously, and we have taught ourselves to miss out on one of the most rewarding exercises in all of life. 

Marriage & Family

by J.C. Ryle


This is a collection of eight sermons for young children (ages 6-11) by the great Anglican Bishop of Liverpool, J.C. Ryle. This book has been retyped in large print so that children can read it for themselves. Not only is it very readable and understandable for the youngest reader, but as you would expect from Ryle, it is sound theology. Some of the other sermons are: “Seeking the Lord Early,” “Little and Wise,” “The Two Bears,” and “No More Crying.”

by: Joel R. Beeke


Friends and Lovers focuses on two key ingredients in a vital marriage: friendship and sexual intimacy. Drawing from the wisdom of the Bible, especially the Book of Proverbs, Joel Beeke shows you how to grow closer to your spouse both emotionally and physically.

by J.R. Miller


The message of Home-Making is powerful: “Sisters, Brothers, Husbands, Wives — Home life is meant to be beautiful, ennobling, and victorious!” God intends for each person, from parent to child, to play a role in family life, the ultimate goal of which is the transformation of the individual, the home and the society for the glory of God.

by: Dave Harvey


Marriage is the union of two people who arrive at the altar toting some surprisingly large luggage. Often it gets opened right there on the honeymoon, sometimes it waits for the week after. The Bible calls it sin and understanding its influence can make all the difference for a man and woman who are building a life together. When Sinners Say “I Do” is about encountering the life-transforming power of the gospel in the unpredictable journey of marriage.

by Martha Peace and Stuart Scott


Parents and children need a lot of help from the One who is perfect and who understands our need―God himself. Peace and Scott emphasize your family’s most important relationship: its relationship with God.

by: Randy Alcorn God cares a great deal more about our money than most of us imagine. The sheer enormity of Scripture’s teaching on this subject screams for our attention. In fact, Jesus says more about how we are to view and handle money and possessions than about any other topic―including both heaven and hell. In Managing God’s Money, Randy Alcorn breaks down exactly what the Bible has to say about how we are to handle our money and posessions in a simple, easy-to-follow format. Filled with Scripture references, Managing God’s Money is the perfect reference tool for anyone who is interested in gaining a solid biblical understanding of money, possessions, and eternity.


by John MacArthur


In the late 1800s, Charles Spurgeon warned that the church was drifting away from the purity of the gospel, candy-coating God’s Word rather than boldly proclaiming the truths of Scripture. As a result, Christianity’s influence in nineteenth-century England was severely weakened. One hundred years later, John MacArthur, troubled by the seeker-sensitive movement and an emphasis on pragmatism within the church, sounded the same alarm with the first edition of Ashamed of the Gospel.

by Adoniram Judson


A sermon on Christian baptism, with many quotations from Pedobaptist authors. To which are added a letter to the church in Plymouth, Massachusetts, and an address on the mode of baptizing. This work marks missionary Adoniram Judson’s watershed decision to become a Baptist. He uses numerous sources to argue that the mode of baptism should be by immersion and that the recipients should always be individuals who have personally believed in Jesus Christ for salvation.

by George J. Zemek


This book calls all genuine disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ, both vocational ministers and lay people, to serve our Savior by carrying out His marching orders His way. Whatever we are engaged in, whether witnessing to the lost or carrying out our various other responsibilities (e.g., preaching, teaching, counseling, and encouraging), we must be divinely directed by the practical implications of God’s grace. Then we, as faithful channels, may joyously come to understand that it is God who causes any and all growth (1 Corinthians 3:6).

by D.A. Carson This book offers updated explanations of the sins of interpretation to teach sound grammatical, lexical, cultural, theological, and historical Bible study practices.

by David M. Doran


Christ gave his disciples a monumental, yet simple task: make disciples of all nations. But what exactly does that command mean? How are we supposed carry it out? How does the local church figure in? And what’s the ultimate goal? The Scriptures provide answers. David Doran has written a collection of articles to ground us in the truth, providing a solid theological and practical missions foundation for pastors, missionaries, students, or church members. He carefully works through key texts and contemporary approaches to missions, challenging us to develop biblical foundations for our missions efforts. Filled with Scripture, this book points to the ultimate purpose of missions and the God-given methods for reaching the nations—For the Sake of His Name.

by Abner Chou


Christians today cannot employ a truly biblical view of the Bible unless they understand why the prophets and apostles interpreted Scripture the way they did. To this end, Abner Chou proposes a “hermeneutic of obedience,” in which believers learn to interpret Scripture the way the biblical authors did―including understanding the New Testament’s use of the Old Testament. Chou first unfolds the “prophetic hermeneutic” of the Old Testament authors, and demonstrates the continuity of this approach with the “apostolic hermeneutic” of the New Testament authors.

by Eric J. Alexander


Prayer matters, and Eric Alexander’s chief concern in this book is to remind Christians that prayer is fundamental, and not supplemental, both in the individual and in the corporate lives of God’s people. He shows that nowhere is this dependence on prayer more fully exemplified than in the life and teaching of Jesus himself, and in the ministry of the New Testament church.

For those who find it difficult to pray there is much encouragement here, as the author also addresses the common problems believers face when coming to pray. In short this is a book for all those who want to live nearer to God and to be refreshed in their communion with him.

by Thomas R. Schreiner


What are the spiritual gifts? Do all Christians have them? Have the miraculous gifts ceased? The topic of spiritual gifts is often a point of contention among Christians. In Spiritual Gifts: What They Are and Why They Matter, Dr. Thomas R. Schreiner, a leading New Testament scholar, answers these questions. Schreiner shares his personal experience related to spiritual gifts, but more importantly, he unpacks what the Bible has to say about them. In doing so, he brings a spirit of humility and charity, reminding us that though spiritual gifts are important, we can have unity in Christ even where we disagree.

by Kevin DeYoung


In this timely book, award-winning author Kevin DeYoung challenges each of us―the skeptic and the seeker, the certain and the confused―to take a humble look at God’s Word regarding the issue of homosexuality. After examining key biblical passages in both the Old and New Testaments and the Bible’s overarching teaching regarding sexuality, DeYoung responds to popular objections raised by Christians and non-Christians alike, making this an indispensable resource for thinking through one of the most pressing issues of our day.


by R. Kent Hughes


Seasoned pastor R. Kent Hughes’s inspiring and bestselling book Disciplines of a Godly Man―now updated with fresh references and suggested resources―is filled with godly advice aimed at helping men grow in the disciplines of prayer, integrity, marriage, leadership, worship, purity, and more.

With biblical wisdom, memorable illustrations, and engaging study questions, this practical guide will empower men to take seriously the call to godliness and direct their energy toward the things that matter most.

by Stuart Scott


The official companion book for The Excellent Wife by Martha Peace is a biblical blueprint for the mandate God has given to husbands in the covenant of marriage to love their wives, even as Christ loved the church. Dr. Stuart Scott has responded chapter by chapter to the biblical teaching put forth in Martha’s popular book. It is suitable for men’s small group Bible studies, or for couples prayerfully seeking God’s very best in marriage.


by Martha Peace and Kent Keller


Do you consider your choice of clothing a gray area? Do you think modest equals frumpy? Do you dress to get attention? If your answer to any of these questions is yes, Martha and Kent challenge you to diagnose your heart attitude about modesty―and about God and others. In the Bible, we see that immodesty is forbidden for reasons that go beyond our outward appearance. Martha and Kent write to teen girls in alternating sections that discuss immodesty’s causes and consequences; explain and examine legalism in tackling immodesty; and take a look at ways to be modest, giving readers a biblical framework for growing in modesty. Includes discussion questions.

With biblical wisdom, memorable illustrations, and engaging study questions, this practical guide will empower men to take seriously the call to godliness and direct their energy toward the things that matter most.

by John MacArthur


Women are not inferior to men—so why does the church sometimes treat women as less capable or valued than men? Women are told to be bold, assertive, independent, and competitive. They are expected to take leadership, exert authority, be bread-winners, and to single-handedly tackle all of life’s demands. God’s high calling for women in the church—a topic still relevant for today—is outlined in 1 Timothy 2:9-15. If followed, His plan results in blessing, unity, and glory for God. In God’s High Calling for Women, Dr. John MacArthur discusses important concerns for women in the church as outlined by the apostle Paul: their attitude, appearance, testimony, design and contribution.

by Martha Peace


Addresses ten specific issues that women face and shows their biblical solutions. These issues are the feminist influence, the role of women in the church, trials, gossip and slander, idolatrous emotional attachments, manipulation, hurt feelings, vanity, PMS, and legalism. The solutions are clear, God-honoring, and very practical in their application.

Church Life

by Jerry Wragg


What is it that compels a group of people to follow the leadership and vision of one person? Why are the insights and pursuits of certain individuals more persuasive than those of others?

In this book, Jerry Wragg investigates how leadership should be characterized in the church, and how biblical leadership must differ from the kind of leadership promoted in the world. 

by John MacArthur


It is absolutely essential that a church perceive itself as an institution for the glory of God, and to do that—claims John MacArthur—the local church must adhere unfalteringly to biblical leadership principles.


Christ never intended church leadership to be earned by seniority, purchased with money, or inherited through family ties. He never compared church leaders to governing monarchs, but rather to humble shepherds; not to slick celebrities, but to laboring servants.

by Christopher Ash


Seasoned former pastor, Christopher Ash, urges church members to think about pastors not just in terms of what they do  how they lead and pray and preach and teach and so on  but about who they are. He encourages us to remember that pastors are people and to pray for them as they serve us. Paradoxically, caring for our pastor will be a blessing to us as well as to them, and create a culture of true fellowship in our church family.

by Jonathan Leeman

Becoming a member of a church is an important, and often neglected, part of the Christian life. Yet the trend these days is one of shunning the practice of organized religion and showing a distaste or fear of commitment, especially of institutions.


Jonathan Leeman addresses these issues with a straightforward explanation of what church membership is and why it’s important. Giving the local church its proper due, Leeman has built a compelling case for committing to the local body.


by Edward T. Welch


Viewing brain problems through the lens of Scripture, Welch distinguishes genuine brain disorders from disorders that may not be rooted in the brain. Understanding that distinction will enable pastors, counselors, families, and other concerned believers to know the extent of a person’s responsibility.

by John D. Street


Honest self-assessment is hard. Even Christians trust their hearts more than they should. And when the heart is filled with unexpressed rage (“I will have my own way”), unrestrained sensuality (“I will indulge myself regardless of the sin involved”), or unabated pride (“I deserve whatever my heart desires”), sexual fantasy all too easily leads to acts that were previously unimaginable. Biblical counselor John Street takes a hard look at the passions of the heart: the underlying idolatries that lead Christians to commit egregious sexual sins. And he shows that there is hope. These passions can be identified and resisted―and they can be forgiven, even if acted on.

by Joel R. Beeke and Nick Thompson


When it comes to criticism in church ministry, false optimism hopes that pastors will be above reproach and their congregants fully supportive―while false pessimism holds that criticism is inevitable, constant, and only ever destructive. The truth, of course, is much more nuanced. In this short, comprehensive, and necessary book, pastors Joel Beeke and Nicholas Thompson lay biblical foundations for coping with criticism, give practical principles for receiving criticism and responding appropriately, provide guidance for offering criticism and creating a healthy church culture, and unfold a theological vision for coping with criticism in the gospel ministry. With wisdom, charity, and illustrations from decades of pastoral experience, they turn to the example and comfort of Christ, strengthening, encouraging, and equipping the reader.

by Stephen Viars


Lives grind to a halt when people don’t know how to relate to their past. Some believe “the past is nothing” and attempt to suppress the brokenness again and again. Others miss out on renewal and change by making the past more important than their present and future. Neither approach moves people toward healing or hope. Pastor and biblical counselor Stephen Viars introduces a third way to view one’s personal history―by exploring the role of the past as God intended.

by Paul David Tripp


An important and biblical book about our words and our God. Few of us really think about the power, the blessing, the gift, the effect, and the danger of our words. This book will make you think before you speak. Best of all, it will make you think of him before you speak.

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